
Showing posts from April, 2020

Letter to the LOML💖

If I hadn't listened to these bitches I call best friends....  When they said I should give fun a chance...  Then maybe you won't have known that I was already living in denial about loving you then.  I guess you practically still don't know or don't think its true. I might spend the whole day writing about how much you mean to me and how much value you add to my life.  But then, I like to believe I tell you everyday.  So today I'm writing to tell you what goes on in my head with you inside... .... I think of what your career will look like some years from now...  if you will be a big name and I have to share you with the media.  And maybe I will  still be having scraps of those dreams I usually fill your ears about.  Maybe, I might have lost opportunities and now stuck with a job I most certainly detest. I know you will say what if it is the other way round... With my dreams skyrocketing and yours stuck... But then again... Its just a fear. And I hope no dream